Unwind / Rewind Stands

Made in the USA

Unwind / Rewind Stands

The "Building Block" Concept

Unwind Rewind Stands


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Converter Accessory Corporation custom designs and manufacturers unwind / rewind stands to meet individual specifications. Custom designing each stand insures that our customers get the best suited equipment for their application.

The "Building Block" concept starts with two basic pedestals to which any or all of our components can be added.

"Building Block" Components Available from CAC:

These accessory/system packages effectively demonstrate how Converter Accessory Corporation meets not only the needs of the web-fed industry but the individual requirements of companies within the industry.

Whatever your specific 'downstream' (or upstream or midstream) requirements are, you can turn to CAC® for productive, cost-effective solution! Whether it's for a single, standard web accessory device or a total accessory system.

Features & Benefits:

  • Accommodate a wide range of roll diameters and widths.
  • Available in cantilevered design for narrow, lightweight rolls.
  • Dual pedestal stands for wider, heavier rolls.
  • Dual station increases productivity - minimizes floor space.
  • Ideal for all web - fed converting equipment.
  • Designed to easily retrofit to existing equipment.
  • Utilize anti-friction ball bearings to insure proper tension control.
  • Constructed of structural steel weldments for maximum strength and rigidity.
  • Minimum maintenance.
  • We can mount any web guide or line guide you specify.
  • Superior accuracy eliminates material waste.
  • Compact design.
  • Custom designed to meet your specific application.
  • Backed by CAC's over 50 years of experience designing and manufacturing stands.

Cantilevered Unwind Stand with Edge Guide
Cantilevered Unwind Stand with Edge Guide
Cantilevered Guided Unwind Stand with Dancer Roll Tension Control
Cantilevered Guided Unwind Stand with Dancer Roll Tension Control
Dual Station Cantilevered Stand with Accumulator
Dual Station Cantilevered Stand with Accumulator
Cantilevered Dual Station Unwind Stand with Nip Drive Assembly
Cantilevered Dual Station Unwind Stand with Nip Drive Assembly
Dual Station Unwind Stand with Pivotrac Web Positioner
Dual Station Unwind Stand with Pivotrac Web Positioner
Low Profile Unwind Stand with Dancer
Low Profile Unwind Stand with Dancer
Unwind / Rewind Control Station
Unwind Rewind Control Station
Unwind / Rewind Station
Unwind Rewind Station
Single Station Unwind Stand
Single Station Unwind Stand
Single Station Rewind Stand with "S" Wrap Drive Assembly
Single Station Rewind Stand with S Wrap Drive Assembly
Single Station Rewind Stand
Single Station Rewind Stand
Cantilevered Rewind Stand with Ultrasound Automatic Tension Control
Cantilevered Rewind Stand with Ultrasound Automatic Tension Control
Dual Station Scrap Rewind System
Dual Station Scrap Rewind System
Dual Pedestal Single Station Unwind Stand
Dual Pedestal Single Station Unwind Stand

18503-71 Single Station Cantilevered Unwind Stand with Available Accessories
18503-69 Single Station Dual Pedestal Unwind Stand with Available Accessories
18503-70 Dual Station Dual Pedestal Unwind Stand with Available Accessories
18503-72 Single Station Dual Pedestal Rewind Stand with available Accessories
18503-73 Dual Station Dual Pedestal Rewind Stand with available accessories
18503-74 Single Station Cantilevered Rewind Stand with Available Accessories

Converter Accessory Corporation
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